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Appennino Slow - viaggiatori dell'altra montagna

About Us
Appennino Slow focuses on sustainable and experiential tourism. We organize slow-paced trips (on foot or by MTB) in Italy and especially in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, between Bologna, Modena, and Florence. An area that is still unknown by most but with great human, naturalistic, and cultural riches, with a longstanding culinary tradition.

Our vision
Ours is an incoming agency rooted in the local area. In the planning of each itinerary, we pay attention to the issues that are close to our hearts:

• sustainability and attention to the historical, naturalistic and intangible heritage of the local area
• authenticity of local traditions and values
• the centrality of the relation between travelers and local communities
• attention to “diversity”

Incoming agency / Tour Operator services
Appennino Slow provides an array of services to their clients and is active both in terms of organizing tours, trekking and experiences (the aspect more strictly linked to the tour operator activities) and in terms of collaborations with public bodies and local entities, in order to pursue the objective of best promoting the Apennines area.
We mainly deal with territorial promotionl and marketing. The promotion side consists of the creation of promotional materials, participation in trade fairs, the creation of workshops, and the organization of press and educational tours with journalists and tour operators.
We are also publishers of a magazine, "Nelle Valli Bolognesi", born as a local marketing tool.
For the marketing side, we deal with the creation and management of packages with "slow" itineraries. We deal with slow tourism, trekking and mountain biking, but our specialty is certainly the organization of trekking along the Via degli Dei, from Bologna to Florence.
We also organize events in the area and manage several tourist information offices: eXtraBO in Bologna, in Monghidoro, in Sasso Marconi and in Alto Reno Terme. Recently, with the transformation of the Sasso Marconi office into an Information and Reservation office, Appennino Slow is also responsible for the management of the Local Appennino Bolognese editorial team, which has the task of managing the official tourist portal of the Apennines (
link) as well as coordinating all the tourist offices in the area. Appennino Slow also organizes festivals and events in support of local municipalities.

Tour Operator Services:
• Self guided custom trip organization and consultation prior to departure
• Personal briefing with a member of our team the day of departure
• Collaboration with small and traditional accommodations
• Collaboration with restaurants who mainly use Local/ Km0 products
• Local professional Guides
• 24h assistance guaranteed
 • Groups of 6 to 14 people maximumum

Regarding the promotional marketing of the Apennines area, Appennino Slow has also been active for years as a direct manager of paths and projects linked to the territory: an aspect that allows us to provide a totally immersive and assisted experience to the final user. Today, Appennino Slow is responsible for the promotional marketing of the following paths as well as the territorial marketing of some areas: 

 • Via degli Dei
• Via della Lana e della Seta
• Via Medicea
• Cammino d'Etruria
• AVF100 (Alte Vie Firenzuola)
• Area BOM (Bologna Montana - Apennines area east of Bologna)

You can work with Appennino Slow if
• You work in the tourism field in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines
 • You are an association, an organization or a manage a path
• You are a travel agency or tour operator
Contact us at marketing@appenninoslow.it!

Contacts Appennino Slow
Legal Head Office: Via del Poggio, 30 40050 Loiano (Bologna - Italy) VAT Number 01935621209 | Bologna Business Register - 400484 | PEC appenninoslow@pec.it Tel. +39 379 1528959 - +39 379 1497965
Opening hours Mon. – Fri. 09:30 - 13.00 | 14:00 - 18:00 Mail: info@appenninoslow.it
Web: https://www.appenninoslow.it/trips